Stauffers Signature Ground Beef

Stauffers Signature Ground Beef is Fresh Ground Daily In-Store
Ground directly from whole roasts and hand-trimmed of excess fat to provide the freshest best flavored ground beef possible.
No extenders, fillers, flavor enhancers or preservatives are ever added.
Never ground totally or partially “somewhere else” then repackaged in the store. Check the label for the packed on date, it designates the time your package was ground and packaged.
Stauffers Signature Ground Beef consists of 4 different blends, each from specific cuts that provide their own characteristics.

Prime Rib Ground Beef (The Gourmet Cut)
- 75% lean, 25% fat.
- Ground from nothing but the prime rib, the whole prime rib, creating the most robust flavored ground beef available.
- Stauffers most frequently merchandises prime rib ground beef as 1/2 lb. and 1/3 lb. Prime Rib Beef Burgers. We also have available Prime Rib Ground Beef; you can make your own burgers or use it in any ground beef recipe.

Sirloin Ground Beef (The Lean Cut)
- 93% lean, 7% fat.
- Ground from the same piece of beef as sirloin steaks are cut from, hand trimmed of excess fat.
- Excellent for meatballs and homemade burgers.
- Great choice for anyone limiting fat in their diet.

Round Ground Beef (The Value Cut)
- 88% lean, 12% fat.
- Ground from hand trimmed round roasts.
- Versatile, excellent for meatloaf, meatballs and many other recipes for ground beef.

Chuck Ground Beef (The Flavorful Cut)
- 80% lean, 20% fat.
- Ground from hand trimmed chuck and shoulder roasts.
- Bold beef flavor, excellent for any recipe requiring ground beef.