Repel Bugs away from your Veggies & Flowers

Are the beautiful blooms of your trees being eaten, how about bites being taken out of flowers? We’ve got a few options to help remove those pesky pests:
Try Sevin Bug Killer available in spray or concentrates. Sevin is one of the safest pesticides to use. It breaks down completely in the environment fast and is especially effective on beetles. Spray your leaf surfaces, stems, branches, vegetables, flowers, fruits, or ornamentals then sit back and enjoy the literal fruits of your labor. Get yours in store in concentrate.
If you’d prefer a more organic route, try Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew. This says it contains Spinosad (spin-OH-sid), a product first isolated from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected on a Caribbean island from an abandoned rum distillery. Deadbug Brew kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! Use on fruits, vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts and ornamentals. This is available in store in concentrate, dust and spray.
Whatever you need help with in your garden, don’t hesitate to ask us. We are the problem solvers! Ask us online or in store.