Planting Spring Flowering Bulbs You Bought Last Year

Didn’t get your spring flowering bulbs planted last year, but want to plant them now? We’ve got some tips for you!
First, feel if the bulbs feel firm yet. If they are you can plant them now. We suggest adding some Espoma Bulb-tone to the soil to help the bulbs get established sooner. Apply this when planting.
However, one thing to note if these bulbs weren’t stored in the cool area, chances are they would just produce leaves this spring (later than usual since they weren’t established) and no flowers. Generally bulb plants need a cold period to bloom.
Our advice if this is the case, let the foliage grow until the plant goes dormant over the summer. As long as the bulbs are fertilized you should have great blooms next year.
If you have any other questions about planting bulbs just ask us online or in store.