
General Information: The best Narcissi for indoor cultivation is the Paperwhite, which produces bunches of flowers on each stem at Christmas or early in the New Year.
Light and Temperature: Keep pot at room temperatures in a sunny area (East, West, or South exposure). Once the Paperwhites are in bloom, cooler temperatures will help the blooms last longer.
Water and Soil: Plant the bulbs in any potting soil with the top just above the surface. Water well and keep the soil damp but not wet.
Fertilizer: No fertilization is necessary.
Forcing of Paperwhite Narcissus
Containers without drainage holes: To force bulbs using this system, put 1 to 2 inches of washed gravel in the bottom of the container. Carefully place the bulbs on the gravel. Place gravel around the bulbs to hold them in place. Add just enough water to maintain water level at base of bulbs.
Containers with drainage holes: Plant in well-drained sterilized planting medium. Any size pot can be used, depending on the number of bulbs purchased. Plant the bulbs with the nose of the bulb either even with or slightly above the rim of the pot. After planting, water thoroughly, and then keep the plant medium moist.