March Fruit Tree Care

If you have a new or young (2-3 years old) fruit tree your goal should be to develop the shape of the tree for the main or “scaffolding” branches. You are pruning to get the tree established.
If you have an older fruit tree (3+ years) your goal should be to prune the tree back severely so that more light can reach the interior. This creates more air circulation and fruit production.
When should you do this? Before any new growth occurs. For Apple & Pear Trees, these are to be pruned either in the winter or early March. For Stone fruit trees like peaches and plums, the ideal time to prune is early spring.
Mid-March is also the time to gain control over-wintering insects. To do so, use a dormant oil aka horticultural oil concentrate. This type of oil smothers any dormant insects and keeps them from eating your tree. The concentrate we recommend to mix with water in a spray tank, and we recommend spraying your fruit tree top to bottom. However this spray is not recommended for maple or apricot trees.