Herbs Grown by the Weaver Family,
Ephrata, PA
The Weaver family has been farming plants for the last 40 years in Ephrata, PA. They began growing herbs part time, but with our partnership these last ten years they’ve been able to extend their herb selection into a year-round business via a greenhouse. Varieties grown include: Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, Chives, Sage, and Tarragon to name a few.
This local farm is 9 miles away from our warehouse, which means we receive fresh herbs three times a week. So when you’re in store choosing which herbs to cook with, you can bet you’re getting something fresh!

Potatoes – Red, White & Yellow
Grown by the Huntsinger Family, Hegins Valley, PA
Since 1921 Huntsinger Farms has been growing white, red and golden varieties of potatoes on their farm in Hegins, PA. They work hard to produce a quality product for Stauffers and it shows! You’re guaranteed to enjoy these delicious locally grown potatoes.

Tomatoes Grown by the Famillies of the
Leola, Pennsylvania Produce Auction
It’s tomato time. Choose from your favorite varieties freshly picked off the vine. The tomatoes we sell are grown by the families of the Leola Produce Auction, our source since 1985. You won’t find a juicier, tastier tomato. Ripe and ready to eat!

Aspraragus Grown by the Schwalm Family,
Hegins Valley, Pennsylvania
Stauffers is honored to be in partnership with Vince Schwalm, offering you the finest homegrown asparagus available. Vince along with his dad, continue the long family tradition of forming – growing peaches, nectarines, pears, apples, corn, soybeans and of course, fresh, delicious asparagus.

Kale Grown by the Reiff Family,
Leola, Pennsylvania
Kale is very rich in iron and other nutrients like Vitamins A and C. When it comes to healthy eating, kale should definitely be included in your diet. Prepare kale by steaming, blanching or in a stir-fry. Add garlic and serve with pork for your dinner tonite.

Curly Spinach Grown by the Reiff Family,
Leola, Pennsylvania
Spinach is a wonderful source of Vitamin A and one of the healthiest sources of so many minerals and nutrients that we can eat.

Peaches Grown by the Shenk Family,
Lititz, Pennsylvania
How can you tell when a peach is ripe? There’s no guessing with our peaches. They’re straight from the family orchards of Doug Shenk, our grower for over 30 years. Our freestone yellow and white peaches are picked at the peak of flavor. Sweet, juicy, perfect!

Beans Grown by the Copenhaver Family,
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
There’s nothing like the crisp flavor and snap of our locally grown green beans to refresh you! Straight from Copenhaver Farms in Lebanon, PA, these green beans are sure to be the best you’ve ever tasted.

Corn Grown by the Martin Family,
Lititz, Pennsylvania
What makes corn so sweet? It’s hand selected, picked at the peak of flavor and delivered daily to our stores from the field of the Jesse Martin family. At Stauffers you’ll enjoy the best tasting sweet corn you can buy!

Watermelon grown by the Families of the
Leola, Pennsylvania Produce Auction
When we think of summer, we think of watermelons, it’s so refreshing! Our produce buyer David Julian, selects the best watermelons from the families of the Leola Produce Auction. Come on in today and enjoy red, sweet, seedless watermelon from Lancaster County.

Nectarines Grown by the Schwalm Family,
Hegins Valley, Pennsylvania
Homegrown Super Sweet Nectarines are grown by the Shenk Family, located in Lititz, PA. The nectarine, fuzz free cousin of the peach is delicious, with its smooth, luscious texture and fragrant succulence. Nothing compares to the taste of just-picked, tree-ripened nectarines.

Apples Grown by the Schwalm Family,
Hegins Valley, Pennsylvania
Homegrown apples have been grown for Stauffers by the Schwalm Family in Hegins Valley, PA for over 20 years. Over 50 acres are devoted to apples: Fuji, Red & Yellow Delicious, Gala, MacIntosh, Empire, Courtland, Jonagold & Braeburn. The remaining acres produce nectarines, pears, peaches,nectarines & asparagus. Three generations of the Schwalm family work hard to grow the finest produce & it shows!

Celery Grown by the Rohrer Family,
Manheim, Pennsylvania
The Rohrer family has been farming since the 1960s and partnered with Stauffers five years ago for their crisp, sweet celery. The life of our Local Grown celery starts with the seeds planted in April in the Rohrer greenhouse, and then transplanted to the field in June until it’s finally harvested between October and January.

Cantaloupes grown by the Families of the Leola Pennsylvania Produce Auction
What’s the secret to growing great cantaloupes? Leave that part to us, we’ve partnered with the families of the Leola Produce Auction since 1984. Ripe, sweet, refreshing…our homegrown cantaloupes are the best tasting you’ll find.

Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Medley Tomatoes, and Baby Sweet Peppers grown by John & Henry Stoltzfus Leola, Pennsylvania
Cabbage and Fall Squash Grown By Jonas Stoltzfus Lititz, Pennsylvania

Mushrooms grown in Temple, Pennsylvania
Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free and very low in sodium, yet they provide important nutrients, including selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamin D.

Organic Asparagus grown by the Amos Stoltzfus Family Lititz, Pennsylvania
We’re proud to offer organic produce like our local grown organic asparagus. Asparagus leads nearly all produce items in a wide array of nutrients it supplies in significant amounts for a healthy diet.